Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Calcas Garbage dump.
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can you believe it.

The city of Calca in the center of the sacred valley of the incas everyday dumps their garbage truck next to the river to be washed away in the rainny season Posted by Picasa

Sr de Huanca

Sr de Huanca, lord of Huanca. Located up the river a few Km from Pisac in the sacred valley of the incas.
As the story goes, early in the 1600`s a peon worker from Chinchero named Quispè was working in a hacenda near san salvador, on his way to work he fell asleep in a woods, when he woke up he saw an aperition of Christ in a rock. The story was turned into a Milagro and the site was made into a shrine. Then later a monastary was built on the site with a big church. Pilgrams come from as far as Bolivia to pray and ask the Sr de Huanca for his help and protection. The Sr de Huanca is a protector of cars and trucks that are babtized at the temple church. The devotees ask their lord for many things, cars, trucks, houses, stores, and many other material goods. They do this by purchacing a likeness of what they want, a model house or car, get it blessed for a slight fee then leave it near the water pools, and their wish will be granted. the church and temple of Sr de Huanca
A nearby roadside stand sells a wide selection of things you can ask the lord for.
the alter is all full of lovely fresh flowers brought by devotes every day
this is him, his classic portrat getting wipped bloody

Monday, November 28, 2005

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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Jeff with blog master Adam and Val, + globos crew
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wedding in Huaro Condo

We were out driving in the countryside, stoped in a village plaza and got to watch a wedding.
bride and groom coverd with good luck Pica Pica

marching band playing their version of Blue Danube

the bride has 5 children by the groom it was high time to tie the knott.

from the city hall to the wedding party, roast pork and lots of drinking, no need for a honey moon

Friday, November 25, 2005

llamas all dressed up in the high country 14,500 ft ASL on the road to Nasca.
foto Armando Rodrigiuz
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the Quenqo Boyz with Jeff
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Posted by Picasa Ollantaytambo

Posted by Picasa lake Hypo it is said to have lots of UFO activity near this lake

Thursday, November 24, 2005

dancing under Mt Salkantay

dancing at 4,000m under Mt Salkantay 6,300m high
dance troop warming up by the fire
the corn dance give oferings to the Pachamama (mother earth)
fotos Jose Mellado

a very cool flower I have in my green house, opens only one day then wilts, if anyone knows what it is called please let me know.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Edurados super cool ultra lite airplane

filming rock video for Killing Joke with Jaz Coleman in the Nasca desert Rock star Jaz Coleman of killing Joke blowing on coca leavs in nasca

air plane ride over the sacred valley with Eduardo

the Salineras of Mars
lake south of cusco huacarpay
fotos Jose Mellado
taken from flt in Aero condor cessna caravan
pilot eduardo Huran

this is the plaza del armas of cusco, dance contest
this dance troop from the jungle won the prize for best outfits
sorry we did not get any phone numbers

fotos pulled off video by Thropp

Monday, November 21, 2005


view from my land